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What's Your Best Advice For Staying Motivated To Work Out?

Dr huberman, I have been watching your podcast for a number of months and it has greatly improved my life. Thank you. I have just recently started working out and it is making me feel great. What's your best piece of advice you can give to someone like me in my situation?

What Supplements to take.

I am a 53-year-old male. I think I am healthy (I take no prescriptions). I work out 3-5 times a week with cardio and weights. I want to maximize/feed my body in every way I can. I also emphasize enhancing overall brain function as much as possible. What supplements should I take every day, and when? I am taking Thesis and the daily greens you recommend. I would consider taking the momentous if I knew what to take. I am not concerned with the cost per month. Thank you so much - I love all that you do for us.

DIdn't ego depletion have replication problems?

Dr. Huberman, I keep hearing you reference an upcoming podcast on ego depletion. When you do it, can you address the study mentioned in this article that asserts the ego depletion wasn't really a thing?

Leveraging Ultradian Cycles

Your explanation of the awareness of one's 90 minute ultradian seems rather subjective.  Are there any objective technological metrics such as CT/MRI, blood chemistry, cardiology, or other measurements available to confirm one's ultradian rhythm?  Also, any research on the placebo effect of a subjective ultradian mindset?

Nighttime teeth clenching

Is there a specific part of the brain which is active for nighttime teeth clenching, and steps to take to avoid activation / turn off? Clearly one should follow your sleep guidelines plus effective ways to limit [di-]stress. But is there any thing one can do that specifically targets the parts of the brain that are active during clenching. I’ve found many things that help at the 10-20%level and need that final push to break habit/cycle. I have good sleep habits; 7-8hrs total; 3-4 hrs from rem/deep. Thank you kindly Dr Huberman. Sonya