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Carb loading before sport events

Hi, many performance athletes suggest carb loading before long sport events like marathons, curious about: what are the benefits? what are the risks? how to carb load properly? is the performance gain noticable?

Foods that negative impact skin

I recently learned that apparently foods like oats and whey protein negatively impact skin and might cause acne. Are there any good alternatives or do I just accept the tradeoff? What other foods might one avoid to maintain healthy skin?

Handling Breakups, (Complicated) Grief and a Detachment Protocol.

(edited) Bad break up hits hard, and finding out they're moving on later hits hard AGAIN. While not an everyday occurrence, grief does trigger a relentless spiral of (not?)depression that poses considerable challenges in finding an escape route almost impossible at that moment. Undermines all the other motivational themed podcasts. I find the grief episode, and conversations with Chris Williamson and Danica Patick about grief helpful, but wanting more. I understand it won't be too popular, due to the frequency of occurrence in one's lifetime. But it'll be immeasurably useful at that very moment of need. Please do another episode on how to handle a bad break up/grief (or complicated grief) and along with letting go, such as how to go through the detachment process in more detail? Some protocols such as WHEN and HOW to 'pack/unpack feelings' to be functional to deal with life and the protocol to productively start the detachment drive processes. These in detail will be helpful to recover better for people going through grief.


Hi, What is the data on Lysophosphatidylcholine?

Women Specific Body Composition, Skinny fat, Should I focus on Building Muscle or Losing Fat first?

Have struggled most of my life with high body fat percentage and low muscle mass, even though my BMI is ok. I am currently 45 yrs old. And exercise around 5 days a week, and have been consistent for the last say 8 years. Mixing some resistance and some cardio. But nevertheless can’t seem to recompose. What would help me most to achieve my goal, focus on losing fat first? Build Muscle first? Hybrid?