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Caffeine dosage for hair loss

How should caffeine for hair loss be sourced? What is the percentage That it is recommended? How frequently is it applied topically?

Slow Carb Diet

I’m currently doing Tim Farris’ slow carb diet for the third time and it is really effective at weight and fat loss. There is no scientific research about how healthy this diet is long term that I am aware of and was curious if there’s any long term negative effects? I’v heard that the blood sugar spike on cheats days are good but I have a hard time believing this. Do you have any insights?

Chronic fatigue syndrome

What does the science say about this health issue and what are some tools and protocols to help people recover or become their best self in dealing with this condition?

Domestic Violence and Brain Injury

I recently attended a training on DV and brain injury. It has been a largely neglected intersection that is huge and severely impactful on survivors’ lives, including ability to access resources and care. Rachel Ramirez of the Ohio Domestic Violence Network has provided much training to healthcare professionals and DV advocates to increase awareness of how prevalent it is, how to recognize it, and how to accommodate it for the past 10 years at least. I really think it could be a useful podcast episode, and she would be a great interviewee. There are many special considerations such as the lack of conditions conducive to healing after injury when someone is in an abusive relationship (low stress and rest aren’t possible), the repetitiveness of the head trauma, the presence of strangulation (often over and over) which isn’t common in other areas of violence/brain injury causes (very specific to DV), and how it affects the ability to get away, access resources, etc. I hope you consider reaching out to her. It’s her mission to spread awareness and giving her a platform could really benefit survivors of domestic violence. Her email is Thanks, Josh Watkins

Moshe Feldenkrais

Would you consider having an episode on Moshe Feldenkrais and the Feldenkrais Method?