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Using a sauna suit to increase v02 max

In terms of cost, a Sauna Suit is cheaper and more flexible than a Sauna. I have seen studies that a Sauna Suit can increase v02 max. Are sauna suits a viable replacement for saunas?

Amfexa for ADD

What is the best way to use short release medication (like Amfexa in particular) in order to avoid the crash and dips that come with these meds? I use four 10mg doses, and would like to find out how you propose to best use and stagger these meds to avoid the crashes.

Zone 3?

We’ve obviously learned the benefits, protocols, etc. of zone 2 cardio but what about zone 3? I notice my heart rate reaching the lower level of zone 3 when on an inclined walk and definitely see zone 3 when jumping rope. Does zone 3 count (or double count) when it comes to reaching our weekly zone 2 goal? Is there a weekly limit to be aware of? Do we even need to consider zone 3 whatsoever?

Hyperbaric oxygen

There are many small studies suggesting a range of benefits of HBOT. Would be good to get a considered view of the merits of this therapy and whether they are real.

Impacts of fat soluble vitamin absorption after gallbladder removal

Hello! I was reading "Grain Brain" recently and Dr. Perlmutter briefly mentioned a correlation between Vitamin A, D, K absorption the gallbladder. I had mine removed in 2008, its been a long journey, but one thing I was never told (or even thought) about was if there was an impact on how our bodies absorb these vitamins. Since they're fat soluble and the gallbladder is responsible for producing bile to breakdown fat, it makes sense there would be some impact. For people who have had a Cholecystectomy, is there something they need to do make sure they are absorbing these vitamins? For instance, I take a Vitamin D supplement (5000 IUs) daily, my blood test shows my levels are above 50 but how do I know I'm not wasting the supplement? Should I also take supplements for A and K? Is there something people without a gallbladder should be aware of? Thank you for all you do!