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i have fear from fighting

hi, since i was a kid my father was always makes me fear and said that if i did not do what he wants he will beat me and he never hits me but he was a mad man always makes me in fear now iam 20 y and i have a fear of fighting i dont want it at all note: i always fight when i get builled and never run away but still the fear is within me thank you

Stevia - AG1 and LMNT

Dr. Robert Lustig's comments on the negative affect of NNS' brings a concern on a couple of products you promote and that I love dearly - AG1 and LMNT. I like having the option of no NNS with LMNT however, I will miss the watermelon flavor packets! Unfortunately, AG1 does not provide that option. They publish less than a gram of Stevia on their website which would mean more than 6 packets of stevia and the sweetness level just didn't sync with that description. So, I called them to get the exact dosage. They emailed me that the dosage was less than 200 MGs per serving or just a bit more than a packet of stevia (which has 150 MGs). That background leads to my question. It appeared that Dr. Lustig was anti NNS' and during the podcast you mentioned that you woiuld be looking at your stevia intake and that you would likely not eliminate it completely. Did you dig any deeper with him on what would be a reasonable total sugar AND NNS intake in a given day? Or have you landed on one via your own research? I think Dr. Lustig mentioned 9 teaspoons of natural sugar per day for an adult male as a recommended daily intake. I would love to know if NNS' like Stevia could be integrated into that formula. Thanks for all that you do for us lay people!

Nitric Oxide

Dr. Nathan Bryan would be an interesting guest to have to talk about Nitric Oxide. Thanks!

Childhood Apraxia

My son who is now almost 14 was born with apraxia. Do you have any insight into this condition? Or suggestions on how to support him as he is still learning to speak?

Hot and cold exposure

Can going from 104 spa to 40 degree cold plunge cause heart issues