Ask Me Anything

with Huberman Lab Premium

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Prostate health

Have you or would you consider doing a on episode on prostate health and talk about supplements, medications or diet that would help? Thank you.

Infrared Sauna

Hi there, I was wondering if you could talk about whether infrared sauna has the same benefits of a more traditional sauna. I know they don’t get as hot but wonder if you just stay in longer if it would have the same benefits? I bought one to help with my joint pain from rheumatoid arthritis and wondering if it doesn’t even work. Thank you so much! Love your podcast! (I’m a therapist and recommend your podcast often to clients as an aside)

Becoming a Neuroscientist

Greetings Dr. Huberman, I am a young adult at his mid-20s, trying to find and eventually create my ideal career. At the moment, I am looking at a broad spectrum of career options, but lately I have realized that the brain-related scientific careers (most branches of neuroscience and psychology) fascinate me. I have been watching your podcast episodes for some time and I am really grateful for the great content you are putting out. As a neuroscientist yourself, I think you are the best person to give advice on why and how to become a neuroscientist. Below, I provide a list of all the things I would like to know regarding neuroscience as a career option. Needless to say, you can add on the list anything you deem relevant and worth discussing that isn’t already in it. 1. Why become a neuroscientist 2. Who should and should not become one 3. Careers you can get into with a BSc, MSc or a PhD in neuroscience (different work environments neuroscientists can place themselves into/ different types of jobs for neuroscientists) 4. What to expect when trying to get into a neuroscience bachelor’s, master’s or PhD program and while you are actually in one (e.g. what will one be expected to do or know beforehand, current state of the competitiveness between people in the field, main courses etc.) 5. Skills you need to develop during your educational journey or have to have acquired at the end of your degree 6. Most interesting scientific fields of research in neuroscience today and predictions for emerging fields of research in the future 7. Neuroscientific textbooks, popular science books, eminent neuroscientists or distinguished lecturers, podcasts or lectures that were highly influential to you or even inspired you to become a neuroscientist Thank you in advance, Dimitris Zabelis


Can you do a podcast on Autism? My 3 year old child has recently been diagnosed with Autism. I am getting overhelmed what kind of treatments are best. Grateful if you could provide some information.

Estrogen receptor positive cancer and sleep

As someone who had estrogen receptor positive endometrial cancer, I’ve been repeatedly told by medical professionals that I can’t risk taking HRT. However, my radical hysterectomy sent me straight into menopause and I’m getting 2-3 hours sleep most nights, occasionally 4 hours, always broken up into 1/2h, 1h, or 1.5h chunks. I’ve implemented all your protocols—the supplements, the NSDR, the HIIT, the light, everything that I can, and yet my sleep is still wrecked. It’s been going on for two and a half years now, and I’m getting quite desperate. Do you have any suggestions for women whose lack of sleep is hormone related, but who can’t take hormone therapy? I would give anything to regularly get 5 straight hours of sleep. I hate to think what it’s doing to my brain, my short- and long-term health, and my ageing prospects. Thank you, Emily