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As far as I know, there is no episode where the subject of video games and their effects on the brain, mood, addiction or focus. Is there an episode planned on this topic?

Genetics and Optimization of Diet, Exercise and Longevity

Many of us now have genetic test results from companies like 23&me, how best can we use these results to maximize benefits of diet, exercise and longevity?

Epigenetic clock and childhood

I have been interested and playing with the research on the epigentic clock and would love to hear you speak about this. I believe it is an area of your work and I am struggling with it a little. As an expert in early childhood Im interested in the role of social epigentics and neuro-development and what I imagine is the intersectionality with healthy wellbeing and the impact of adversity in early childhood. We know these early experiences last the rest of children’s lives as thus the importance of secure, loving, attuned, responsive relationships which impacts their whole lives including the occupation of childhood, play. What I’m trying to place is the idea of epigentic clock in experiences and development. Perhaps how this is developed and affected in the early year. But also if im having fun Im curious about the biological and possibly the physics perspectives of time and the difference between chronological age and epigenetic age and the potential future of this work. Does it relate to the human experience of time and the idea time is a social construct? Could the epigenetic clock be more “accurate” measure of time :)

TENS and EMS for muscle recovery

Hi, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) and Electronic muscle stimulation (EMS) machines are widely and easily available online ranging from $25 to $2500, Manufacturers claim TENS to temporarily ease pain and EMS to help with recovery going as far to claim EMS as an alternative to Traditional Strength training citing a 2012 study : Is there any truth to this claim and if not known yet are there any possible side effects to try these devices for recovery after a workout? Thank you,

Internet addiction - how to treat and overcome it

The episode with dr Anna Lempke was awesome in theory but lacking in protocols how to fight addiction. Can I ask for an episode with how to handle internet addiction? phone addiction?