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with Huberman Lab Premium

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How do we choose just one goal?

Regarding the 8/28/23 episode about goal setting, you mentioned we should pick just one primary goal without neglecting other aspects of our lives? However, what if you have multiple goals/project at work? Multiple fitness and mental health goals (working out, daily journaling)? What about having one goal for each aspect of our lives (wheel of life chart)? Would that negatively hurt success in each area? Difference between goals and maintaining good habits/huberman protocols for health?

How Isolation Affects Growth and Development.

With an emerging trend of isolated young adults without a partner, how is this affecting the development and growth of our brains? In addition, it would be very insightful to know how isolation in early childhood from parents/family affects us. Another topic of relevancy lately would be how sexual activity and lack of sexual activity wires and changes the brain in early adulthood. Thanks.


Have you discussed SARMS (peptides) vs steroids in building muscle mass?

HRT in early 40s

Hi Andrew, I understood the benefits of HRT for perimenopause and menopause. But I have 40 and I already see how my body and muscle mass is changing/decreasing. I do sports and almost all your advices for a healthy life. So mi question is, there´s any HRT that I can do that isnt a birth control pill or for already menopause womens? something in between... as to keep my hormone levels like at 35 :)) Thank you, always. Best, Marta

Not Quite Divergent Thinking

I had an experience, where in an instant, it felt like the whole right side of my brain woke up. Some people call it spiritual awakening. I call it human evolution. The short of it... Motivation and Creativity are on warp drive explosion setting. And there is not enough information in the world for me to get tired consuming. Fears and limitations...a thing of the past. And I now problem solve in every direction imaginable. But I don't just choose one option... The thoughts are sent along a matrix, and at point, all of them connect... That's the masterpiece. The Grand idea. Any of this sound familiar? I've got a lot more... And I'm so proud of you Andrew. You're an angel and an example of what PURPOSE looks like in action❤️