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with Huberman Lab Premium

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What can be done to enhance the perception of joy?

I noticed, that people vary tremendously in their perception of joy. How can one bring back the unfiltered joy that children experience? To which neuromodulators is joy linked? Which behaviors are positively and negatively linked? I feel that I experience less and less joy as I get older. Not only did I lose the ability to enjoy certain things (like alcohol) but I also seem to enjoy everything less.

BJJ and your fitness protocol

I am not sure how to combine your fitness protocol and BJJ sessions. is it better to periodically focus on BJJ technics and then switch for a while to strenght and conditioning, or to do it at the same time? When I try to do it at the same time, I feel extremely tired, and recovery is slow. 40 years old male

But..what ARE the 10 cupboards?

I've listened to all 4 MH podcasts with Dr. Conti. I've checked your website NUMEROUS times trying to find resources about the 10 cupboards. It's very frustrating to have listened this long without action items. I know to start with "I' and then to look at defense mechanisms, but the whole 10 don't seem to be listed, nor is there a resource.

Use of Creatine

In your episode AMA#11 you discussed use of creatine. I have been hesitant to support the use due to the increase in Testicular cancer especially in young males. British Journal of Cancer on March 30, 2015- Researchers form Harvard TH Chan school of Public Health. As a primary care physician, I love your podcasts and learn so much!


Will u have a podcast concerning epilepsy?