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Hypnobirthing - breathing, self hypnosis

Hyponobirthing is sold as a mixture of breathing techniques, self hypnosis, acupressure, vocalisation, and is viewed as somewhere on the 'woo' spectrum depending on the county in question. It is more at the medical end in the UK for example, and is closer to the fringe in Australia. What does the science say

How to quit drugs?

Was wondering if we can discuss protocols and supplements that can support someone struggling with an alcohol or drug abuse problem.


Hello Professor Andrew, If you are ever interested in doing research on a group of students, ages 5 - 15, who do not watch TV, play video games, use computers, or have cell phones. I have a pediatric occupational therapy/ physical therapy gym in Brooklyn NY, where 90 % of my clients are Hasidic Jews, none of whom have TVs/computers/access to cell phones in their homes. Feel free to check out my website: Thought it would be an interesting to explore how these individuals compare to TV/video/phone users in the areas of attention, ability to focus on tasks, as well as anxiety. Thank you, Jim Ebert, MS, OTR

wet vs dry fasting

I have read about the practice of dry fasting having other effects beyond those of the "wet" fasting (where you can drink). Dr Filonov is the one promoting this type of fasting and it does look very interesting for the several positive regenerating effects. As I am writing I am trying a 2 days one. I must say easier than a dry one. Indeed there is less hunger than in the normal. Can you compare the two methods? Grazie!

Concussion with Spinal Cord Bruising, Cognitive Issues as well as Vision Tracking Problems

Any recommendations for how to speed up the brain's recovery, along with the nervous system simultaneously? Recent head trauma, hit with such force it resulted in a concussion, as well as a "broken neck" and bruised spinal cord. Freak accident on vacation, neurosurgeon compared it to injuries lineman get, only with no helmet. ACDF surgery but numerous cognitive issues remain as well as nerves and muscles misfiring virtually all over, predominately upper body. Vision is not tracking correctly either, very poor depth perception, center of gravity is off to the left. Already fast 20 hours/day, cold water exposure 5+ times/week, LMNT twice a day, and several other protocols you recommend. Help???