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Egg yolk effect on cholesterol levels and cardiovascular health

Hello, for years I have seen countless arguments between the idea that egg yolks are very high in cholesterol and should be avoided while others say they do no harm. I understand that the dose makes the poison, but I was just wondering what your thoughts were towards this argument. Thanks again for all you do for the scientific community!

Hair supplement

Your hair is looking nice and full and thick these days. It suits you. What are you taking, if anything, for it?


Hi Dr. Huberman, I recently listened to a Dr. Layne Norton video debunking some of Dr. Robert Lustig's claims on your podcast. My question is, are there any general revisions to your knowledge or claims of previous podcasts that you now could correct? Thanks!


What is the easiest one to get and is there any reason you would be denied getting one? I was told no in person once, because I didn't have blood work was prediabetic though. So not sure what the requirements are or if this was just a picky doctor maybe? I think it'd help a lot for my situation. Thanks a lot!

Nasal Rinse

I occasionally use a netty pot with a saline solution to relieve symptoms when sick, to perhaps reduce sickness when rinsing at the first indication of a cold, and to relieve seasonal allergies, all to good effect, I think. In light of your recent oral health episode, I wonder about the micro biome in the sinuses and nasal passages. Specifically the effects of nasal rinsing, especially what is used to rinse. More or less salt, temperature, baking soda, and highly diluted hydrogen peroxide. Does the science support nasal rinsing, and if so, what might be the better solutions or method to use?