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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Episode Transcripts

Just like below fellow question, where can we find the episode transcripts? thank you

sleep and wake up

Hello! I have a question about alarm. If you wake up in the morning, you use alarm? and If you do or do not, Could you recommend the episode about this?

Strategies for disaster recovery

I'm a Psychiatrist helping with mental health support to the survivors of the wildfires in Lahaina, Hawaii. I've listened to almost all episodes especially the psychology/psychiatry related ones which helped supplement my work (clinical and academic medicine). What are some main pointers to keep in mind when teaching coping strategies (both physiological and psychological) in the face of a very recent disaster? During this tragedy (just 2 wks ago), I definitely saw the difficulty in balancing all kinds of emotions in light of recent trauma and how it manifests psychologically and physically, both for survivors and responders. Additionally, I'm certainly worried about the upcoming waves of increased mental health needs after this "heroic phase" of this event subsides.

Period pain

Could you please explain why women experience pain during menstruation? And why do some women experience very little or sporadic pain while others experience unbearable pain every single time (without suffering from some seious condition like endometriosis)? Also, how does that change in the course of one's life (for better or for worse)? Is there anything that can be done to prevent period pain, either in the short or in the long term? And what can one do to relieve the pain, other than taking painkillers?

Does tattoos block sunlight to skin?

Just the question from the tittle